has sold itself to that monolith of California Bored... the bazillion (210 at last count) store chain Grocery Outlet... known throughout the Western states as Gross Out.
I learned of this sad event this very afternoon as I pulled into the parking lot of the Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg Amelia's to find what cheap cheese might be had... she was almost always good for a good deal on cheese...
and there it was... it seems they had agreed to this deal more than two years ago said the clerk trying to stock the cereal shelf... I guess I missed this back in 2011 and again in 2013 but apparently the Mitchells of the New Holland Mitchells are going to be hundred thousandaires... and really... not much has changed... their regular stuff was still about 30-40% above the screaming deals you find at a real salvage grocery like BB's and even 20% above some of Sharp Shopper's regular shelf stocks...
Rinaldi's 24 oz. spaghetti sauce was $1.59 versus Sharp Shopper's regular 99 cent deal, for example...
I picked up a 3# bag of Cutie mandarin's for $2.97...
but there's wasn't much to be had for cheese... *sniff*... Nothing below $3/lb....
So, spill a little for the 13 Amelia's who are no more... Kinda.
I've spent some time in those Grocery Outs out in Arizona... there's not much diff... and the grocery wars go on.
Next time: I SWEAR I'm going to tell you about the new (to me) store out in Ephrata.
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