Well. Here's what I'm doing anyway... I'm screwing around on the computer and making soup.
There's a lot of crud in my fridge from all those stops at the Amish Bang and Dent shoppes, you know
So into a pot went:
1 aseptic qt. package of Wolfgang Puck's Vegetable Broth (2/$1 at BB's)
1-1/4 C. Stirrings Simply Bloody Mary Mix (all that was left of the bottle in the back of the fridge. I don't remember where I got it but it was cheap, you can bet.)
1 bag of PriceRite California Medley frozen vegetables (They had been in that damn freezer forEVER)
1/4 head shredded cabbage (From the last Farm Show Farmer's Market. I think it was a buck)
Boiled it until the cabbage was cooked and I've been eating it like a starving person every since... about noon when it was done.
Mmmm... Soup.