July 23- 25, 2010
Admission: $8.00; Children under 12, free.
I'm not sure what they make you admit for $8.00, you'll have to take your homophobic ass over there and see.
Arizona's got nothing on Mooville. We don't need no stinking SB 1070. This weekend we got mostly sunny, 30% chance of thunderstorms and 110 degrees... that's ONE HUNDRED AND TEN for those of you who think you didn't read that right. So you KNOW what we're doing...
we're corralling the gay people!
You think Joe Arpaio's the only one who thought up a tent city to sequester pink-wearing people who make closeted teabaggers nervous? Round 'em up and don't bother asking for papers... get in there and be GAY, dammit! Ya disgusting creatures.
Jeeze Louise.
I can't believe I live in this town.